Rabe Shot – Counting Crows Freak Out at Treasure Island!
That's a picture of Adam Duritz, the lead singer of Counting Crows. Remember Mr Jones? Yeah, sounds like me may have lost it with the audience this past weekend in Minnesota!
According to a report in City Pages, there was some cursin' out of his biggest fans Saturday night at the Treasure Island show (they were opening for Matchbox 20).
Some fans took Duritz and company's leaving the stage to mean their set was done, and started lining up, excited to use their backstage passes for a meet-and-greet with the band. They were wrong: There was an encore on the way, and Duritz wanted asses in seats for it.
It sounds like Mr Duritz told everyone to sit the heck-fire back down or he'd stop the show right then and there, then, don'tchyaknow. Well, Minnesotans aren't used to that sort of behavior from a man on stage, there, and they headed back to their seats right quick.
But is that what realllly happened?
In the comments of the article, a few fans say the story is bologna. Fake news. A lie. What really happened was the people thought the show was over, and Mr Counting Crows singer was pretty obviously joking. Like, "Hey, the show's not over my peeps, now get your bleeps back to your seat! We gonna play an encore, 'cuz that how we do it Round Here."
If you're asking me, I can't tell you. I'm just as willing to believe either story.
If he did it, he gets a big fat, rusty Rabe Shot. If not, then the City Pages get the Rabe Shot.
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