Surprisingly Glamorous Tent for Rent in Minnesotan’s Backyard
There are all sorts of cool places you can rent on Airbnb. There are cabins, yurts, intricately decorated/themed homes, and fun tiny houses. You can also find campers and tents on Airbnb as well and there's one tent in particular that you can rent in Minnesota that's in the host's backyard.

Would you ever rent a tent in a stranger's backyard? I mean, I've rented a guest house in a stranger's backyard, but I feel like that's different. I could lock the door on the guest house. Tents don't have that option, so I'm not sure I could do it. But if you're up for the adventure, this tent looks super decked out and it's also pretty well-protected from any weather elements. Keep scrolling to check it out!
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Surprisingly Glamorous Tent for Rent in Minnesotan's Backyard
If you'd like to have a little more privacy for your vacation, check out the private island you can rent in Minnesota!