Rice County Fair Ambassadors Poised to Work at Fair
A excellent crowd in the Cannon River Room on the Fairgrounds witnessed the naming tonight of the 2022 Rice County Fair Ambassadors and Junior Ambassadors.
Seven Ambassador and eight Junior Ambassador candidates made it very tough for the judges to decide. All were very poised on stage.
After all of them answered questions they drew from a pitcher ranging from their favorite fair food to where they would like to live in the world if money were no object.
I was humbled to be the onstage announcer for the event which switched from a Queen to Ambassador program a few years ago. Both boys and girls are currently elgible.
The number of Ambassador candidates has grown each year and virtually every corner of the county was represented this year.
There was no fair in 2020 due to COVID.
There were guest representatives including Rice County Dairy Princesses, Lonsdale Ambassadors, Miss Minnesota candidates. In fact the Junior Ambassador judges were both Miss Minnesota candidates this year.
Each of the 2021 Ambassador and Junior Ambassadors gave their farewell speeches and received their gifts after a successful year of service.
Ambassadors each receive a $750 scholarship to use for postsecondary education. The scholarships were donated by David Gross and Lynne Goldberg.
Junior Ambassadors get prize packages donated by Tara Langevin of Faribault Insurance Agency and Colleen Almen of Windy Willow Farms.
2021 Ambassadors Marisa Winget, Avalon Roberts and Kortney Prior and Junior Ambassadors Clara Winget and Alexa Rojas each talked about the fun they had and acknowledged people who assisted them along the way.
The 2022 Friendship Award was voted on by the Ambassador candidates. The person they felt was most deserving of the designation.
Hannah Kraft was chosen for the honor.
Kraft also was named a 2022 Rice County Fair Ambassador.
Hannah is the 16 year old daughter of Carrie and Matthew Kraft and will be a junior at New Prague High School this fall. After high school she plans on becoming a Orthopedic Physician's Assistant. Her sponsor is Peter's Clean Sweep and Power Vac of Lakeville.
Another Rice County Fair Ambassador for 2022 is Monica Albers, 17, daugher of Jillene Albers and the late Lee Albers. Monica will be a senior this fall at Faribault HIgh School and plans to pursue a degree in nursing after graduation. Her sponsor is Temple Concessions of Faribault.
The other Ambassador chosen by the judges for 2022 is Karly Flom, 17, daughter of Sara and Kyle Flom. Karly will be a senior at Faribault High School in the fall and plans to pursue a degree in elementary education in college. Her sponsor is Purfeerst Farms of Faribault.
The Junior Ambassadors were judged by a different group of judges.
2022 Rice County Fair Junior Ambassador is Daphne Luckow, 8, daughter of Mitch and Allie Luckow. Daphne will be in 3rd grade this fall at Divine Mercy Catholic School in Faribault. Her sponsor is Indian Motorcyle Ambassador-Riding Fish of Faribault.
The other Junior Ambassador is Alyson Dupont, 9, daughter of Peter and Stacy Dupont. Alyson will be in 5th grade this fall in Medford. Her sponsor is The State Bank of Faribault.
Junior Ambassador candidates must be 6 to 10 years old by July 1 of this year and Ambassadors are between 16 and 20 as of July 1.
Most of the candidates mentioned their love of animals at the fair so here you go.
LOOK: 30 fascinating facts about sleep in the animal kingdom