Rice County Fair Bathroom Building Final Cost Almost $300,000
The Rice County Board of Commissioners today approved the final payment of $298,400 for the new bathroom building on the fairgrounds in Faribault. The building is nowhere near completion.
When the project was put out for bid it was stated it must be completed by December 1, 2020 so CARES Act money could be used.
The first plans were presented to the Rice County Commissioners on August 25, 2020. The approval was made in September with demolition of the old building completed September 14, 2020. The walls went up around November 2, 2020. The roof was added November 18, 2020.
Rice County Administrator Sara Folsted told KDHL they had some rain delay with the project. In order to be able to pay for it Commissioners approved the final payment today but Folsted says the check won't be awarded to Met-Con Construction of Faribault until the building is finished.
I've taken some pictures of the building over the last few weeks so you can see it's progress. I vote on the Rice County Fairgrounds so I took a picture on Election Day and a couple since that time including today when cement was brought in for the floor of the building.
Just one change order was done on the project when bad sewer and water lines were discovered leading into the old building.
The facility is utilizing the same footprint as the old building.
Rice County Fair Executive Secretary John Dvorak says when completed the new bathrooms will have separate entrances and exits on the north and south sides of the building.
Hand dryers will not be included because they are deemed unsafe for COVID-19. Apparently the fan blows the COVID droplets around in the air.
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