Rice County Health Survey Mailed to 1,000 Households
The Rice County Community Health Survey has been mailed and authorities would love to receive responses from the over 1,000 randomly selected households in the county.
A news release from Rice County is included below.
The 2021 Rice County Community Health Survey is a joint effort between Rice County Public Health, Allina Health District One Hospital, HealthFinders Collaborative, Mayo Clinic Health System and Northfield Hospital & Clinics.
Over 1,000 randomly selected households in Rice County will receive the mailed survey in late January or early February. Rice County Public Health and partners use the information from the survey to better understand the barriers and bridges to health that residents experience. Partners then work together on community health initiatives and programs aimed to protect, promote and improve the health of all Rice County residents.
Completing the survey is voluntary, although everyone’s participation is important. The confidential survey asks an adult in the household to answer questions about their health status, access to health and dental care, as well as lifestyle habits around nutrition, exercise, smoking, and alcohol use. The survey is part of a collaborative community health assessment process and helps identify areas of greatest community health need.
“Information we gather from this survey helps provide direction for future health initiatives and programs,” says Deb Purfeerst, Director of Rice County Public Health. “We greatly appreciate people’s willingness to complete the survey if they receive it.”
Data from surveys such as this can help shape strategies used in communities to address local needs, and lead to improvements in healthy eating, physical activity and reduced use of and exposure to tobacco.
The Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) supports this work in an effort to help create healthy opportunities for all.
More information can be obtained by contacting Rice County Public Health Clinic and Community Supervisor Sara Coulter at 507-332-5910. Rice County Public Health Director Deb Purfeerst 507-332-5914 or Rice County Administrator Sara Folsted 507-332-6121.
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