SE Minnesota Will Be Getting A Hemp Maze
Sure it is the first official day of summer but that already has some people looking forward to the fall. One of my favorite things to do in the fall is trying my luck navigating a corn maze. One Southeastern Minnesota business just announced it had started growing a hemp maze and has the pictures to prove it.
Rochester Horror, which is located off of Highway 52 Blvd in Zumbrota, Minnesota has been advertising it's hemp maze on it's Facebook page and people seem to be excited about it. Currently, there isn't any other information as to when the maze will open or what will become of the hemp when it's done growing. But is it legal?
According to the MN Department of Agriculture website; In 2015, the Minnesota Industrial Hemp Development Act (IHDA), Minnesota Statues 18K, became law. This allowed Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) to create an industrial hemp research pilot program in order to study the growth, cultivation, and marketing of industrial hemp. Pilot participants are also required to provide reports to MDA regarding seed varieties planted, agronomic findings, and any processing, distribution, and sales of products.
Rochester Horror has the permits necessary to plant and grow the industrial hemp, so there isn't anything illegal about the maze.
So if you are looking for something different and fun to do why not give it a whirl!