So. Minnesota Citizens Take On Pollution in Local Streams on Their Own
Austin, MN resident Nancy Dolphin joined a group of other citizens last summer to go out every week and after every heavy rainfall to measure E. coli levels in local streams.
The citizens were worried that not enough was being done to take on the pollution in the streams. As it turns out, they did find dangerously high levels of pollution in them, including one that runs behind Nancy's home that her grandkids play in. The pollution is mainly coming from hogs, cows, and human waste. Nasty, right?
Citizens continue to fight to get the county to work with them and do something to help get rid of this pollution. Finally, last week, it seems like they are getting somewhere! "The county commissioners agreed to try to figure out a way to accelerate the cleanup of leaky septic systems in the county."
Hopefully, the action taken by these citizens will prove successful!
Learn more about their fight for cleaner water here.
Source: Star Tribune
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