South Central College Offering Free WIFI In Parking Lot
In a time where students are distance learning, WIFI access can be a challenge for some. South Central College in Faribault and Mankato is offering up parking lot WIFI for students and guests, to get school work completed.
According to KEYC-TV in Mankato, Wi-Fi is available in the parking lot. Students and employees can use the “SCC-Encrypted” network by logging in with their StarID and password, which provides access to all internal systems available in the building. Guests of the college can use the “SCC-Public” network.
In other area education news, Faribault Public Schools shared online that it had recently received a donation of facemasks for its food bus volunteers.
"Steve Taggart, our #nfldedu Middle School industrial technology teacher, is using district 3D printers to make face shields for
Northfield Hospital + Clinics and the Northfield Police Department, with the goal of producing 130 by the end of next week."
NEXT UP: Eerily Empty Public Spaces in Faribault