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It's hard to see all of the smiles right now under our masks, but if you were to rip those off at the grocery store, you'd see we are some pretty happy people in Rochester.  In fact, the city of Rochester made a pretty powerfully happy list that we should all be proud of.

Our very own Rochester, Minnesota is now on the highly coveted Top 10 list of the happiest cities in the entire United States of America.  Go ahead and show everyone your pearly whites as you read this story because this is certainly something to be happy about.

The 10 Happiest Cities in the United States

What was the criteria to become one of the happiest cities?  According to Zippia, they used science to make up the list and looked at the following criteria in 600 different cities:

  • Being well educated (Population with at least a bachelor’s degree)
  • Percent of households earning above $75,000
  • Median home prices
  • A short commute to work (Traffic = unhappiness)
  • Having a family (Getting, and staying married, has a ton of happiness benefits, on average)

Just looking at that list, I can see how Rochester ended up on the top half.  We are a very professional town and our commute time is pretty short compared to the big cities.  I used to live and work in the Twin Cities and sometimes spend 3 hours in my car each day just getting to and from work.  Rochester isn't perfect but our commute time is pretty glorious...as long as the slower people remember to move over and get in the right lane.

Read more about the survey and all of the happy cities that made the list here.

Credit: www.zippia.com
Credit: www.zippia.com

Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams

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