Canal Park

Mike’s Fall Getaway to Duluth
Mike’s Fall Getaway to Duluth
Mike’s Fall Getaway to Duluth
Each year in early October, my wife and I try to get away for the weekend to check out the fall colors. This year we weren't able to get away as early as we usually like, due to family get-togethers and some work-related commitments, so we decided to go up to Duluth this past weekend...
Lincoln Funeral car in MN
Lincoln Funeral car in MN
Lincoln Funeral car in MN
Living in Minnesota usually means a summer trip to Duluth every few years. This is one of my favorite Minnesota towns to visit, and I try to get there about every other summer. My wife and I would bring the kids with us when they were younger and now we visit this port city of Lake Superior, sometimes alone and other times with our adult children...