
Lakefest Fun in Waseca
Lakefest Fun in Waseca
Lakefest Fun in Waseca
I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July this year. The weather turned out better than expected and hopefully everyone was able to take part in their planned outdoor activities and gatherings with family and friends. This year my wife and I ventured over to Waseca to spend the afternoon and evening with my oldest son, his wife and my grandsons...
Tips for Fireworks Safety
Tips for Fireworks Safety
Tips for Fireworks Safety
I love fireworks! Sitting on the grass on a warm evening watching a great fireworks display is one of the best parts of summer. To help everyone enjoy the Fourth of July and avoid injury or worse, I’ve gathered some safety tips from and!
Fireworks Light Up Waseca
Fireworks Light Up Waseca
Fireworks Light Up Waseca
I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July this year. The weather was certainly perfect for outdoor activities and gatherings with family and friends. This year my wife and I, and my youngest daughter, her husband and my grandchildren, made our way to Waseca for a picnic supper with my oldest son, his wife and my grandson...