
Goodhue FFA Delivers Lesson in Food Prices
Goodhue FFA Delivers Lesson in Food Prices
Goodhue FFA Delivers Lesson in Food Prices
Using the Goodhue FFA chart showing the farmer's share of $1.96 per gallon of milk is not what the farmer actually pockets. They have to pay shipping costs, feed, fuel, power bills, vet bills. Factoring all this the farmer average net is approximately 30 cents a gallon.
Zumbrota Graduate Receives Prestigious Art Award
Zumbrota Graduate Receives Prestigious Art Award
Zumbrota Graduate Receives Prestigious Art Award
Last spring we spoke with Craig Biorn about the book "Bilan's Journey of Hope" about his wife Bilan's fleeing war-torn Somalia to come to the United States. His latest book "Bah Bah for Barbara" iss the story about his Mom showing her lamb Rosie at the 1957 Goodhue County Fair in Zumbrota, Mn.

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