Mighty Neigh-borly! Minnesotan Takes Horse For A Walk WednesdayMighty Neigh-borly! Minnesotan Takes Horse For A Walk WednesdayThe video features two people walking a horse and a dog, and the second person had a smaller dog on a leash out in the road.Paul SheaPaul Shea
Morbid CDC Data: The Animal Most Likely to Kill You in Minnesota and WisconsinMorbid CDC Data: The Animal Most Likely to Kill You in Minnesota and WisconsinThe number one killer isn't mosquitoes, spiders, snakes or big bears lurking in the woods.Paul DouglasPaul Douglas
Minnesota Has Two Connections to This Year’s Kentucky DerbyMinnesota Has Two Connections to This Year’s Kentucky DerbyWhere do your feelings towards horses? Some people are scared of them and others love them.Carly RossCarly Ross
Minnesota's Kentucky Derby Party is 30 Minutes Away From FaribaulMinnesota's Kentucky Derby Party is 30 Minutes Away From FaribaulTo really soak in the tradition and pageantry that is the Kentucky Derby, you have to head to Churchill Downs, near Louisville, right? Wrong.Curt St. JohnCurt St. John
Texas Teens Use Horses to Ding Dong Ditch HousesTexas Teens Use Horses to Ding Dong Ditch HousesAhhh the classic ding dong ditch prank is still around.StrykerStryker