Busy Minnesota Bridge Partially Closed Until 2026Busy Minnesota Bridge Partially Closed Until 2026The Minnesota Department of Transportation says crews will repair and replace stone, replace the mortar on the entire bridge, and make other repairs as needed.DunkenDunken
Massive Hwy-52 Road Construction Project Now Underway in MNMassive Hwy-52 Road Construction Project Now Underway in MNWe all know that Minnesota really only has two real seasons, and with our wimpy winter already passed, guess which season it is now?Curt St. JohnCurt St. John
This Popular Highway Has the Most Construction Zones in MinnesotaThis Popular Highway Has the Most Construction Zones in MinnesotaIt's a heavily used highway in Minnesota and it's bound to give you headaches, thanks to its many construction zones!Curt St. JohnCurt St. John
More Median Work Planned Friday For Hwy. 14 Near ByronMore Median Work Planned Friday For Hwy. 14 Near ByronA median closure is planned for Friday morning. TJ LeverentzTJ Leverentz
Minnesota Issues Two Warnings for Holiday Travelers This YearMinnesota Issues Two Warnings for Holiday Travelers This YearHitting the road this holiday weekend in Minnesota? Be sure you check this out first...Curt St. JohnCurt St. John