This Minnesota Anthem is the Best Thing You’ll See All Day
Alex Frecon, you're a freaking genius! This is my new jam!
Having lived in Minnesota my whole life this song, "I'm From Minnesota" by Alex Frecon, is everything. Alex knows what's up!
He told us that this song is "an embrace of all things MN, from the stereotypes we face to the hard truths the world chooses to ignore (it's Duck Duck GRAY duck!)."
He also shot the entire music video in Minnesota and got some local celebrities in on it (hint: one is a very popular Twins player! You can check out his cameo at about 1:48 in the video.)
You know this song was written well and the music video is perfect when a native Minnesotan is listening to this thinking "YESSSS!!!!" the entire time.
Take a listen for yourself and make sure to show it to all of your fellow Minnesotans! It'll be your new favorite song, I promise!
Hang out with Carly Ross on 106.9 KROC every weekday 12-2pm!
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