Tips to Keep Your Sanity During Another Winter Storm
Yep, another Winter Storm on the horizon, for the weekend. According to the National Weather Service, we are in for another Winter Storm, and they have us under a Winter Storm Watch at this time. Go one county north, Rice, and it's a Winter Storm Warning. It would not surprise me in the least if we get upgraded. This storm seems like its a lock, we're going to get hit with something.
I am so over this Winter, it is getting old. Seems like every other weekend we have been dealing with snow, bitter cold, winds blowing the snow in every direction possible. So, this weekend looks like yet another weekend stuck inside. Watching the snow through the windows and questioning how you're going to keep yourself and your families from going stir crazy from the cabin fever.
With those thoughts in mind, here are some ideas to keep busy this weekend when you are stuck inside. I have heard rumors that they are already advising no travel just South of us, so, ain't nobody going nowhere.
- Go to the stores tonight, yes it will be very busy, but you'll want to make sure you have everything you need for the weekend BEFORE the storms hit.
- Hit up the local library for some good books or movies, you can check them out for free, and you might even find a great Summer movie, you know, to take your mind off the snow/ice outside.
- Start your Spring cleaning, get those closets and dressers cleaned out. You'll be ahead of the game when it comes to knowing what you need for warmer weather. Also, The Steele County Clothesline is looking for household items: pot & pans, dishes, toasters, silverware, etc. according to their Facebook page.
- Pull out those old board games and decks of cards, take a couple of hours and designate them as no-technology hours and interact with your family.
- Get caught up on your TV shows, nothing says binge-watch like a storm outside.
- And last, but not least, have that pot of chili or soup going, because even if you try to pretend it's not that bad out, nothing goes better with a cold day than a hot meal. Especially if you are out shoveling.
Punxatawney Phil was wrong, Spring is not coming early, at least not in Minnesota. It will get here though, eventually. It won't be too much longer and we'll be able to get out and mow lawns, although I would be happy to just SEE my lawn.