VIDEO: Faribault’s KC Building Demolished Wednesday
On Wednesday this week, a piece of the downtown landscape was torn down to make way for more parking in downtown Faribault. The Knights of Columbus had vacated the building in September and according to a June 2018 newsletter planned on conducting their meetings "at Divine Mercy Catholic Church and St. Patrick’s Church, possibly on a rotating schedule."
Brian Schmidt posted a video to the Facebook page 'You knew you grew up in Faribault when...' of the building being demolished on Wednesday. You can watch it below, and thanks to Brian for allowing me to share this video.
The KC building according to the June 2018 Knights of Columbus newsletter "requires a number of repairs and improvements, including tuckpointing or new stucco façade on the front side of the building. Unfortunately, there is not a consistent and sufficient revenue stream to employ a club manager and support the necessary building upkeep."
The building's destruction doesn't mean the club won't be looking for a new home as the newsletter continued on to say that the club "will have up to 3 years to establish a new facility."
In a June 13th post, KDHL Radio wrote that "the space will now become 16 more parking spots."