‘Wayne’s World’ Rebooted for Uber Eats Super Bowl Ad Tease
Mike Myers and Dana Carvey have rebooted their Wayne's World characters of Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar to promote Uber Eats for the upcoming Super Bowl.
Sitting in the basement set made famous on Saturday Night Live, Myers' Wayne begins, "2020, man, that was a great year." Then he and Carvey, who's wearing an old-school Alice Cooper T-shirt, add in unison, "Not!"
The duo then have some fun with the NFL's strict protection of its trademarks, noting they can't actually utter the words "Super Bowl" in the ad. “We just wanted to say that we’ll see you soon for the ... game, which for legal reasons cannot be named," Myers explains.
They refer to the Super Bowl as the "big bowl" and the "gigantic bowl," noting that those words are "totally legal." As the clip cuts to a shot of an Uber Eats bag on a table, Carvey says, "We teased it," suggesting that a bigger ad will run on the day of the game this Sunday.
There's also a new six-second clip of Wayne and Garth incorporating Uber Eats into the Wayne's World theme, singing, "Local eats / Wayne's World / Yummy time / Excellent."
You can watch both videos below.
Two months ago, Myers and Carvey talked about Wayne's World on actor Josh Gad's Reunited Apart series, where they were joined by the movie's costars Rob Lowe and Tia Carrere, as well as Cooper, who made a cameo in the film. Steven Tyler and Joe Perry of Aerosmith, who showed up on an SNL Wayne's World sketch, also appeared, as did Queen's Brian May, who said that Freddie Mercury saw the "Bohemian Rhapsody" opening-credits movie scene before he died.
Watch the 'Wayne's World' Super Bowl Ad Tease
Watch Wayne and Garth's Uber Eats Version of the 'Wayne's World' Theme