Weather Closing and Delays for Friday, January 17th, 2020
All Saints School, Lakeville - 2-Hour Early Release, No PM Falcon's Nest or PM Preschool 01/17
Lakeville School District #194 - 2-Hour Early Release 01/17
Community Bank Owatonna closing at 3:30 pm Friday
Mayo Clinic Heath System clinics in Owatonna and Faribault closing at 3 pm Friday. Same Day Clinic in Owatonna will remain open with limited staffing. The Mayo Clinic Health System clinic in Blooming Prairie closing at 1 pm. Same Day Clinic in Owatonna will be open Saturday with limited staffing. Click here for further updates.
Community Pathways (Steele County Food Shelf and Clothesline) has closed for Friday and and will remain closed Saturday.
Steele County Landfill closing at 2:30 pm on Friday
Faribault American Legion closing at 4 pm Friday (1/17) No Club Supper, hope to reschedule it soon.
Faribault City Hall will be closing at 12 p.m. Friday
The Faribault Parks and Recreation Department will be closing the Community Center at 1 p.m. Friday and will be reopening at 11 a.m. on Saturday.
The Buckham Memorial Library will be closing at 1 p.m. Friday and reopening at 11 a.m. Saturday.
Buckham West (Faribault Senior Center) will be closing at 1 p.m., and there will be no noon-meal, or Meals on Wheels.
Evening Lap Swim, open gym and open swim scheduled for Friday afternoon are canceled.
Bitty Basketball scheduled for Saturday is canceled.
Indoor Fish Camp scheduled for Saturday is canceled.
SpikeFest Volleyball tournament scheduled for Saturday is canceled. Sunday co-rec is on as scheduled.
Swim Lessons scheduled for Saturday are canceled.
Water Zumba scheduled for Saturday is canceled.
Child's Delight Childcare - Closed 01/17
Meals on Wheels - Faribault - Not serving meals 01/17
Steele County Recycling - recycling will be picked up one hour earlier than normal 01/17
Two Rivers Habitat For Humanity Home Dedication - 1/18 has been canceled, it will be made up Thursday, Jan 23.
Owatonna Special Olympics Poly Hockey practice for 1/18 has been canceled
Candlelight Skiing Event at Rice Lake State Park for Saturday is postponed until Saturday, February 29 from 5 - 8 pm.

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