Westboro Church to Protest in Owatonna
When I opened up my Facebook feed yesterday, and saw a post that my pastor shared, I was floored. It seems as though the Westboro Baptist Church is planning to protest in Owatonna at several churches, including the one that my family attends. They are planning to protest at Bethel Church, Trinity Lutheran Church, St. Joseph, and Sacred Heart.
Why Owatonna, of all places, why was Owatonna chosen as a place for protests? Then it hit me, they are protesting on Superbowl Sunday, and I was thinking that Owatonna is on the way to the Superbowl, so why not? As it turns out, I was correct in that thinking, they are planning to protest at the Superbowl as well. And, as if that wasn't enough, they are also planning a protest at the Owatonna High School on February 5th.
I do not understand this way of thinking, I won't even share their website, as I take issue with the domain name they have chosen. I used to think that by ignoring them, they will stop their protesting. They have not, and I am not sure how to feel about the fact that they have chosen the church my family attends to be at.
I am angry that worship for people in all 4 churches in Owatonna may be disrupted, and by a group that preaches hate. I believe that we are called to love one another, even if we don't agree with each other. To read more, you can check here. I pray that any type of protest they may have is a failure in their eyes, and that the people of these churches not keep them from attending church. I know my family will be at church that Sunday, just like the Sunday before and the Sunday after.
Last summer, the same people protested another high school in Minnesota. Video below.
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