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Put on your (winter) thinking caps because the Name a Snowplow Contest is back again in Minnesota.

It was just earlier this year that the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) launched its first-ever Name a Snowplow Contest, where one snowplow in each of MnDOT's 8 districts received its own distinct name, as voted on by Minnesotans all over the state. Over 122,000 votes were cast in last year's contest, which ended in March.

(And, btw, just in case you forgot, here in our neck of the woods in southeast Minnesota, we're in MnDOT's District 6, and our winning snowplow name last year was 'Snowbi Wan Kenobi'.)

And now MnDOT says the Name a Snowplow Contest is back. In a release dated Wednesday, December 1st, MnDOT said you can submit your favorite snowplow name  HERE between now through December 15th.

MnDOT staff will then review all name submissions, select some of the best name ideas, and invite the public to vote on their favorites in January 2022. The eight names that get the most votes will then make their way onto a snowplow in each district!

MnDOT also included a few basic rules for the Name a Snowplow Contest:

  • Each person may submit up to three names.
  • Each submission is limited to a maximum of 30 characters.
  • Previous winning names will not be considered. Additionally, any politically inspired names (including phrases, slogans, or plays on politicians’ names) or names including profanity or inappropriate language will be excluded. This contest is intended to be fun, lighthearted, family-friendly and non-political.

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weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m. on Quick Country 96.5

One Million Lights Are Shining Bright at the GLOW Holiday Festival in Minnesota

It's one of the biggest light displays in Minnesota and this year, you have a chance to walk through and enjoy this amazing light feature at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. Grab tickets for the event here but first, check out some of the amazing photos below and get a taste for the spectacular views you'll get to experience.


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