You’ll Want to Drive Minnesota’s Least Traveled Road!
People get really mad when they're driving, maybe you do, too. When you're ready for a break and ready to de-stress, this is the road for you. No traffic, no hassles, maybe a cornfield here and there. Or maybe some hay. A cow, mooing hello. What is it? It's Minnesota's Least Traveled Road, and on it, you will be as cool as a cucumber. Bringing your kids is up to you, but really, isn't this road trip for you?
Thrillist did the research and found the least driven road in all the states, and in Minnesota, that's the 145 miles of State Route 32. Where's that? right about here.
KIDDING! it's here. Click on the picture to see the big version of it. But basically, you're up near Fertile. Not far from Grand Forks, and in a whole lotta nowhere.
There's not much twisting and turning, but it has that "Minnesota really is a beautiful state" feeling about it. Lotsa trees, fields filled with rich bountiful earth. The kinda stretch you drive, you find a small town, and maybe you go to the park for a picnic.
You didn't mean to take the road, you thought you were heading to the interstate, but you feel so relaxed, you just drive for a while, knowing its farm'll find a cross-road soon enough if you really want to turn around.
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