Your Unpaid Student Loans May be Forgiven Under Elizabeth Warren’s Plan
Elizabeth Warren just unveiled her $640 billion college debt forgiveness plan which would eliminate all student loan debt for 42 million Americans.
This forgiveness plan would eliminate $50,000 of student loan debt per person whose household income is under $100,000. KARE 11 writes that "according to Warren's description of the plan in a piece to be posted on Medium, the debt cancellation proposal would create a one-time cost to the federal government of $640 billion."
Many other Democrats who are vying for the Presidency have plans to reform our country's student loan program. However, it looks like Warren's plan is the only one so far that would completely cancel out any student loan debt.
Warren will appear on tonight's CNN town hall. The CNN town hall is scheduled to take 5 hours and will also include Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar, and Pete Buttigieg.
Hang out with Carly Ross on Power 96 weekdays 3-7pm!