48th Annual Crop Production Field Day
The 48th Annual Crop Production Field Day will be held Tuesday morning at the Keith and Jay Kuiter farm one quarter south of Clarks Grove on County Highway 45. Registration is at 9:30 with the program starting at 10:00 am. Lunch will follow and you do not have to preregister. The program is sponsored by Riverland Community College and the University of Minnesota Extension Service. Special thanks to Keith and Jay Kuiter for planting the test plot and hosting the Field Day!
The topics and speakers include: What is Soybean Gall Midge and what can we do about it with UM IPM Specialist Bruce Potter, Real World Waterhemp and Giant Ragweed Management with Lisa Behnken UM Extension Educator, Back to Basics Approach for Nutrient Management with UM Extension Educator Dan Kaiser, Current Status of Palmer Amaranth in Minnesota with UM Extension Educator Ryan Miller, How Will 2019 Turn Out presented by UM Extension Educator David Bau and 2019 Harvest and Preparing for 2020 with UM Extension Educator David Nicolai.
This sounds like a very timely and formative program plus it's free and includes lunch! When I get off the air tomorrow at 10:00 am I am going to try and head down to Clarks Grove for the program!