7 Fun Activities For You to Try During a Minnesota Snow Day!
As the threat of more snow looms over our head I think back of what it was like growing up and being a kid in Minnesota during a snow day. Learn the lesson early kids, don't ever say "you're bored" when at home on a snow day. My brothers and I learned that early on, because growing up in the country, that usually meant dad or mom could find us things to do like, shoveling snow, cleaning our rooms, or worst yet...helping to clean the house. No. Thank. You.

Then I began thinking of ideas on what would be fun for a snow day. There are great indoor and outdoor activities any Minnesota kid could enjoy and here are a few of my suggestions:
Snowball Fight:
A new survey done by YouGovAmerica shows that 25% of Americans haven't had a snowball fight in over 20 years. That's just sad. Just make sure to have fun with it and don't get mad when you get hit by one.
Snow Angels:
I mean come on, you're already outside in the snow, why not just plop and make a snow angel. Kids and adults alike can do this and why not snap a picture and share it to Insta while you're at it. You know you want to!
Build an indoor Fort:
My brothers and I build countless indoor forts and each one seemed better than the last. Get creative and make one that everyone can join in big and little kids, and by big kids I mean adults like me who are a kid at heart. When you have the fort built, snap a pic and share via our mobile app, I'd love to see what you built.

Make Butter:
This was a new idea to me, and one I am betting my parents WISH they would have known about when my brothers and I were growing up. This one is easier than you think and can really burn some energy and time, but also make for a hard earned tasty treat in the end. According to Run Wild My Child:
If you want to wow your kids, burn some energy and show them a little classic science, making homemade butter will blow their minds! Making homemade butter is so simple (and so delicious) that you may never buy butter again! All you need is some heavy whipping cream and a Mason jar with a lid. Fill the jar about halfway with cream (leave lots of room) and tighten the lid. Now hand it off to your kids and let them take turns shaking the jar as fast and hard as they can. After about 10 minutes you'll have whipped cream! But keep going! After a few more minutes, you'll notice when the cream turns solid and you now have butter! Keep shaking until the butter is solid and separated from the buttermilk. It's that easy! If you want to get extra fancy, add some special ingredients to make flavored butter (garlic/herbs, cinnamon sugar, honey, etc.). Serve with fresh bread, blueberry muffins, pumpkin bread, or English muffins.
Paint Snow:
Mix food coloring and water together and shake it up in a spray bottle or any bottle then send the kids out to make art in the snow or get creative yourself and again snap a photo and share your work with us or everyone on social media.
Dance Party:
Getting a little stir crazy and need to burn off some energy? Why not turn up the music (or your favorite radio station hint-hint) and have a dance party in the house!
Family Movie Party
Sure you can watch TV or a movie anytime, but there is something special about having a family movie party. Growing up my family did this at least once a month and when it snowed they seemed even more fun. We'd make hot chocolate, or a hot toddy for mom and dad. Pop homemade popcorn on the stove and get any other fun snacks ready to go. Then we'd all choose on a movie, grab our favorite blanket and gather around in our comfy clothes to watch the movie.

There are countless fun things to do on a snow day, it's just a matter of taking advantage while you can and getting to it, or not getting to it. I'm sure you have other ideas too, so please feel free to share them by sending us a message in our app. Either way just enjoy your snow day(s) in Minnesota.
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