A Black Bear Broke Into A Wisconsin Couples Home Attacking A Man and His Wife
A husband and wife were injured last Friday after a black bear got into their home and attacked them. Around 11 pm that evening the local sheriff's office in Medford, Wisconsin received a 911 call about a bear attack that occurred inside someone's home.
Apparently, the couple had noticed the bear rooting around by their bird feeder and they opened the window to yell at the bear to go away. Now, most bears would most likely have been scared off and do just that, but for whatever reason, this particular bear charged at the house and broke through the window.
I can't help but think that this is something you see in the movies, but not in real life. Thankfully the family's 2 children were asleep in their bedrooms and were not aware of the horrifying experience going down outside of their rooms.
According to WSAW both the man and the woman were attacked by the female bear and in the process of trying to fend her off stabbed her with a knife. At one point the man was able to get away and get his gun shooting the bear dead. Apparently, the bear had a cub with her that ran off when the Momma bear ran into the house.
Both the man and woman suffered several bites and other injuries but were treated and released from the hospital. The Wisconsin DNR took the female bear for testing. Of course, I am happy to hear that this couple will be ok despite their injuries but I can't help and wonder what happens with that poor bear cub who lost his mom? Maybe the DNR went on a search for the lone cub. I have heard of people being attacked before who were near a bear's cub but to charge at home and crash through a window? There had to be something wrong with that bear.
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