Are these Six Things Minnesota Women Won’t Do in Front of Men
Perusing the interwebs, I happened upon this little gem from guyism.com. It's a list written by Jenni Maier, the six things she says 'every girl is afraid to do in front of her man.'
1. Eat messy foods
2. Have Gas
3. Facebook Stalk
4. Working Out
5. Watch our TV shows
6. Poop
What do you think? I know I'm not a Rochester Woman, but I am James and so am not afraid to throw my 2 cents in. I'm definitely not going to eat messy foods in public (if I can help it)...and I won't #6 in front of you (wait, shouldn't that be #2?), But, I think this isn't so much about not wanting to do it in front of other people, as it about being in a different, non-judgey environment to do it.
Except for #6, which should be #2, does anyone want anyone to watch that?
Yesterday at Thursdays on 1st and 3rd, I showed the list to women and everyone agreed with me. Well, everyone except one woman...she made me promise not to use her name, but "Amelia" said,
"Have gas? That's farting...and I do it just to see the look on a man's face! If he freaks out on a first date because I pooted, I know he's not going to work out!"
Amelia, you are awesome!
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM, and 2p to 6p on 103.9 The Doc.
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