Coffee for Vets Drive Coming Up
Almost everyone can name a coffee aficionado in their lives, some of us just need to look in the mirror. I fall into that category, I could not live without my cup of joe. So, yes, I buy coffee quite often, it is on my grocery list regularly.
What does all of that have to do with the coffee drive coming up? Everything! If you are one who buys coffee grounds on a regular basis and are looking for another way to support our veterans, then this event is what you have been waiting for.
The Owatonna Exchange Club is conducting its 6th annual "Coffee for Vets" drive on Friday, May 24th at Fareway Foods. The event goes from 10 am-6:30 pm, where they will be accepting ground coffee can donations for the vets. And guess what? Ground coffee will be on sale that day as well. So, if you are picking up some coffee for the household, you can conveniently buy another can, which is donated, right there, and you don't have to bring it home to deliver elsewhere later. They are also accepting cash donations, which will be used to purchase more coffee.
After Memorial Day, Exchange Club members will be delivering the coffee to the Volunteer Services at the VA Medical Center in Minneapolis. The donated coffee will be used for the coffee carts in the hospital, with any extra going to Fisher Houses and VA Community Based Outlet Centers. Typically, enough coffee is donated to provide the equivalent of 25-29,000 cups of coffee to hospitalized veterans and their guests. That's a lot of coffee, and it is all for a great cause.
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