Did Randolph FFA Advisor Ed Terry Go Bull Riding?
Recently members of the Randolph FFA planed a Chapter trip to the Rodeo at the Target Center. I was talking with one of them for the Randolph FFA Update that airs every Monday afternoon on KDHL. I asked if Mr. Terry was going to ride a bull or rope a calf? Knowing that Ed has been around cattle his whole life I thought that maybe he would know how to rope a calf? I suspected, that "back in the day" before self locking head chutes, dairy and cattlemen had to know how to rope a calf.
Well, the week after the rodeo one of the Randolph FFA members told me that Mr. Terry did ride a bull. While I wouldn't suspect a FFA member of not telling the truth, but I indicated to this FFA student that I wanted to see a picture of Ed riding the bull!
Now, I guess it depends on what your definition of bull riding is? In my definition, Ed is not riding the bull, he is sitting on the bull. In addition I wondered if the bull is quite old and not very active? (On the other hand could the bull have been sedated with a quarter cc of Rompun?)
I'm not even sure if that is still available anymore, but that was the tranquilizer we used when the Vet had to operate on a cow. So, what do you think, was Ed bull riding?
Regardless of whether or not Ed was bull riding or not, I'll still tip my cap to him as he continues to lead from the front with his FFA students.
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