Does Anyone Know The Faribault Author Of This 1969 Brochure?
The author's name is Tom Weaver, and it's believed that Tom wrote this brochure/pamphlet in December of 1969. Tom at the time was making a passionate plea for Faribault and the Cannon Valley to "wake up" to what was happening to the area in relation to pollution. It's a very compelling piece of literature that was found in a used book bought in Mankato recently. The new book's owner posted in the "You know you are from Faribault if..." Facebook group in hopes of "get[ting] some more information on Where he got the brochure or even if he was possibly the one who created it."
I shared the pamphlet/brochure with Gordy and Jerry asking if they maybe had an idea of who this Tom Weaver is, and Gordy came up with 1965 Faribault Falcon State Basketball center Tom Weaver. Could this be the Tom Weaver who wrote the pamphlet? Was it a college paper?
Or perhaps there is another Tom Weaver out there, who perhaps passed through the Cannon Valley in 1969, and it made such an impression that he felt he needed to make an impassioned plea? Here is the pamphlet in its entirety, it was way ahead of its time in thinking about groundwater pollution.
Hello Facebook! I know it will probably be difficult but I found this brochure In a book that I bought at a secondhand...
Posted by Gabby Freuler on Monday, September 7, 2020
Has the Cannon Valley made progress since 1969? Or have we delayed what was predicted in 1969?
Will the real Tom Weaver please stand up.
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