Faribault School Board Deadlocked on Superintendent Vote
After hours of discussion today, votes and more votes taken the Faribault Public School Board voted during a special meeting at the District Office to continue their meeting to Monday in hopes of being able to decide who the next Superintendent will be for the school district.
Three finalists came into today's discussion, about an hour into the debate one was eliminated leaving current Faribault High School Principal Jamie Bente and Red Wing Public Schools Superintendent Karsten Anderson as the two finalists.
Votes were taken, recesses happened and a lunch break, but the vote always came out as a 3-3 tie.
Board Member Jerry Robicheau was in favor of a superintendent overseeing the Faribault schools and asked his colleagues if they didn't know Bente...
Former teacher in the district and current board member John Bellingham also took the experience factor...
After hours of debate and a couple votes the board broke for a half hour lunch. Upon returning Board Chair Chad Wolff asked if anyone had changed their mind during the recess. Board member Casi Steeves stated she had a difficult statement to make...
Board members Roger Olson and Chad Wolff were equally as impressed with Bente due in part to his 9 years with the Faribault Public School District. Wolff said during the recess he had some errands to run and talked to a couple of people about the experience factor. One of the individuals he said made a comment to him...
Before Wolff's comments the board had just voted down a proposal to continue the meeting on Monday in part because board members said it was fair to the candidates to let them know right away.
But after hearing Wolff, Bellingham stated the continuation might be the thing to do.
A comment was made concerning the ability to work with the candidate that was chosen if it was not the person the school board member wanted prompting Robicheau to comment...
The board did vote to continue the meeting following their regular Monday evening meeting at the District Office.
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