Goodhue County Fair Still Might Happen
The Goodhue County Fair Board met tonight and voted to decide for sure July 1st whether or not to have a fair in 2020. Fair Secretary Chuck Schwartau was the Thursday guest on our KDHL AM Minnesota program and gave us more details.
The Goodhue County Fair Board meeting was about two hours long. The 2020 event has been scheduled for August 11th through the 15th.
Just about every County Fair in the area has been canceled. Last week the Cannon Valley Fair in Cannon Falls pulled the plug on their community fair. The Minnesota State Fair has also canceled for this year.
Most organizers have told us the main reason for canceling has been liability and financial. The question many boards have asked is will people come if there is a fair?
It appears Goodhue County might try to find out.
Rice County Fair Executive Secretary John Dvorak was a guest on AM Minnesota earlier this week. He says one of the fears he had was if a person gets sick that worked for the fair or attended the fair then the fair could be shut down but bills would still have to be paid.
"It's the reality of the situation," he says. County fairs don't typically have a lot of extra cash to work with. They are so weather dependent. Something they have no control over. Remember last year's Rice County Fair was struck by severe and hot weather.
The weather was perfect for last year's Goodhue County Fair.
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