Governor Dayton Responds to ObamaCare Ruling by Texas Judge
St. Paul, MN (KROC-AM News) - Governor Mark Dayton today issued a response to a ruling by a federal judge in Texas that found a key provision of the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional. The ruling stems from a lawsuit filed by a number of states and other parties that challenged the law’s requirement that everyone needs to be signed up for health care insurance coverage either through private insurers or government programs.
Governor Dayton today released this statement on MNsure open enrollment: “Given the recent Texas court case, I wanted to remind Minnesotans that the Affordable Care Act is still the law of the land and that MNsure is open for business.
Today is the final day for Minnesotans to sign up through MNsure for coverage that takes effect on January 1st. The governor also noted the MNsure contact center is open until midnight (Saturday night) to accommodate last-minute filers.
MNsure CEO Nate Clark says over 100,000 Minnesotans have signed up for coverage through the state’s online marketplace, where the average rates for private insurance purchased on the individual market have dropped between 7 and 27-percent for next year.
(Learfield News Service contributed to this story)
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