Many cities have different rules on trash cans. Where you can keep them, who you can have as a hauler, what constitutes a trash can etc, etc. One city ordinance in Faribault makes it illegal for you to leave your trash out by the road for longer than 22 hours.

According to the City of Faribault code which you can see in the whole online ordinance book here, states that any:

"No container shall be so placed before 8:00 p.m. the day prior to collection and shall be removed by 6:00 p.m. on the day of collection. If garbage is set out for collection in bags, such bags shall not be set outdoors before 6:00 a.m. on the day of collection."

I asked Chief Bohlen about the ordinance and whether or not this is a big issue in Faribault. Chief Bohlen told me in an email that "We receive very few complaints on garbage can placement or failing to remove them from the street within the required time."

Chief Bohlen went on to state that "People are compliant and move their cans after being warned so it doesn’t lead to a fine or actual citation unless it becomes an ongoing problem."

As far as where people should be putting their trash cans on collection days Faribault ordinance states that "each container shall be placed at the rear of the property next to the alley. Where no alley exists, the container(s) shall be placed on a public boulevard adjacent to the public street." This means cans shouldn't be in the road, but rather on the boulevard area of your lawn or edge of your driveway, or next to the alley for the trash haulers.

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