It’s National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
It's National Chocolate Ice Cream Day today. Does that mean we get to enjoy free chocolate ice cream all day?.. uhh, no. But you can celebrate by going out and buying a quart or gallon of that chocolate goodness and trying to eat it all in one sitting or, better yet, sharing with family and friends. Or if you're selfish, you could pick up one of those single-serving containers and enjoy it down in the basement, after you tell your wife that you're just going downstairs to change the laundry around. Not that I would do that.
According to National Day Calendar, "Chocolate ice cream is the second most common flavor, surpassed only by vanilla. The chocolate flavored ice cream has been in existence well over a hundred years and has been popular in the United States since the late 19th century."
Chocolate is one of my favorite flavors and, according to some fun ice cream facts at, 19 percent of the ice cream eating market enjoys chocolate, losing only to vanilla with 33 percent.
No matter what day is set aside as National Chocolate Ice Cream Day, there's never a bad day to enjoy a nice bowl or cone of chocolate ice cream.