Jerry Groskreutz to be Inducted into Minnesota FFA Hall of Fame
Jerry Groskreutz, KDHL Farm Director received word he is becoming a member of the Minnesota FFA Hall of Fame. In a letter from Paul C. Aarsvold, President, Minnesota Association of Agricultural Educators summarizing his selection Aarsvold says, "Congratulations on this well deserved recognition."
Indeed I echo those sentiments. I have worked with Jerry since he first started here in 1995. Ironically when Jerry graduated from the University of Minnesota the original idea was to be a school agriculture instructor. Now he is being recognized by them for his work with FFA. Jerry had been a dairy farmer and decided to sell his herd and work in radio. Some would call that a bold move but I believed he would be successful because Jerry is a people person.
Relationships are what radio is about. Developing relationships with your listeners is essential. Jerry Groskreutz has been a model of how you do that.
Developing relationships with other agribusinesses and agriculture professionals is also what has made Jerry such a pillar in agriculture. Not just in the Faribault area, but all over our state.
I have witnessed firsthand the hours Jerry has put into his work. He said when I announced the award this morning on KDHL it was the station being recognized. No Jerry your name will be attached to the recognition because you worked all those hours promoting FFA and agriculture.
KDHL has been focused on agriculture producers since going on the air in 1948. The first voice heard on the Mighty 920 was that of legendary United States Broadcasters Hall of Fame member Dean Curtis.
Those are some huge shoes to fill. I remember telling Jerry when he was hired to blaze his own trail and that's exactly what he has done.
The award is for Jerry Groskreutz because of his love of agriculture and youth. Groskreutz said this morning he "loves" coming to work every day.
The fact Jerry still is involved in producing corn, soybeans, peas and some cover crops I believe assists in his work with producers and FFA members also. He doesn't just talk the talk but walks the walk also.
Jerry's passion for agriculture and the FFA members he has visited with over the years definitely comes through on the air but I would love to show him how much he has meant to the area.
If you were interviewed by Jerry over the years please drop him a congratulatory note on this posting. We were trying to come up with an estimate of the number of FFA members he has interviewed over the years. This will help us in those efforts.
Jerry is one of the kindest men I have ever known. He doesn't talk badly about anyone and appears to live by the Christian principle of "Doing unto others has you would have them do unto you."
Congratulations Jerry on behalf of all of us at KDHL/POWER 96 Radio in Faribault for this very deserving honor.

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