KOA Is Giving Away An RV To A Lucky Camper!
Dust off those tents and sleeping bags because camping season is officially open in Southeast Minnesota! If the fresh air and fireside friendships aren’t enough to get you camping, KOA has a pretty amazing giveaway that will help you camp in style! I'm also sharing a few tips for those who are wanting to try camping for the first time.
Some of my favorite memories with my family are when we went camping. The bike rides around lakes, finding local ice cream stores, fires in the pit, and the sounds of nature – nothing else like it. I did have a few run-in's with snakes and am not a fan of porta-potties but if you give a girl an RV...well, I might just change my mind and try camping again.
The Rochester/Marion KOA Journey campground is now open for the season and KOA has a great incentive for everyone to enjoy the outdoors this year! KOA has partnered with Keystone RV Company for the “What’s Behind the Yellow Sign?” Giveaway. The winner will receive $1,000 in cash, a $500 KOA gift card and a Keystone Passport ROV Travel Trailer that is valued at $19,800!
How can you win? Visit www.behindthesigngiveaway.com and enter to win each day or visit the Kampgrounds of America, Inc. Facebook page. Contest ends on May 31st, 2018 so bookmark this, set a reminder each day and keep entering until it's over!
Going camping for the first time and need a few tips? Check out these blogs for some helpful camping info:
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 10 am until 2 pm on Y105FM