Medical Group Says Covid-19 Can Be Really Bad News for Minnesota Men

According to a recent announcement from a urology advocacy group, getting Covid-19 can make things hard for Minnesota men. Well, actually, it's just the opposite.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I happened to hear this new public service announcement (PSA) the other day while driving into work and it caught my attention. Just as it likely will for just about any other guy here in Minnesota.
And, yes, it deals with a somewhat, uh, sensitive topic. And much like a spoiler alert is a warning to stop reading if you don't want to ruin the ending of a TV show or movie, here's a sensitive, adult topic alert: you'll probably want to stop reading if you are easily embarrassed. Or if you're not a guy.
That's because according to the new PSA from the medical group, Urologists United For Vaccination Education, if you're a guy who's had Covid-19, you're 6 times more likely to be afflicted by ED. And, yes, ED is the medical term for 'erectile dysfunction.' (I won't get into the specific details of how that's defined, but you can click HERE to see Mayo Clinic's definition.)
This new PSA stars Tim Meadows and is all designed to get more men-- specifically young men-- to get vaccinated against Covid-19. It features three doctors (Amy Pearlman, MD; Larry Levine, MD; and Brian Le, MD) who are all urologists at noted medical facilities here in the Midwest. (Dr. Pearlman, for instance, is a Clinical Assistant Professor and Men's Health Program Director of Urology at the University of Iowa.)
But it's not just three doctors who are behind the message. According to the Urologists United For Vaccination Education website, there are more than 40 different urologists who are part of the group, including Dr. Matthew Zieglemann, a urologist at Mayo Clinic here in Rochester. It also includes Dr. Elizabeth Phillips, who is a urologist at Centracare in St. Cloud.
The group's mission, it says, is to spread the news that getting Covid-19 can make it much more likely (again, six times more likely) for men to develop ED, and that the best way to prevent getting Covid-19 is to get the vaccine. You can read more about the group, about the science involved, and see their new PSA HERE.
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