Minnesota Hunters Will Have The Opportunity to Harvest More Deer in 2020
The 2020 Minnesota Hunting and Trapping regulations handbook is now available through the the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and hunters will be happy to know that there will be more chances to harvest deer.
Minnesota hunting licenses go on sale Saturday, August 1 through any DNR license agent, by telephone at 888-665-4236 or you can click here to purchase your license online.
According to Barbara Kelly, the DNR big game program leader:
“This season, hunters in general will see more chances to harvest deer. These opportunities are due to increases in deer populations in much of the state and as part of our response to chronic wasting disease in southern Minnesota.”
The youth deer hunting season, which draws more and more young hunters every year, will take place October 15 - 18.

Changes Minnesota deer hunters can expect to see in 2020 include:
- The DNR has expanded the early antlerless deer season, Oct. 15-18, to include more deer permit areas in central and southeastern Minnesota. The season increases opportunities for hunters in areas where deer populations are above population goals, or where there is an increased risk of chronic wasting disease spreading. Permit areas open during the hunt are 213, 214, 215, 341, 342, 343, 344, 604, 605, 643, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649 and 655.
- Several deer permit area boundaries in north-central and northwestern Minnesota have changed due to input from the public and DNR staff during the deer population goal-setting process, or in response to CWD spread. Hunters should double check the boundaries of any permit areas where they plan to hunt.
You can follow the link below to see all the details on on the upcoming deer hunting season, including chronic wasting disease testing requirements.