Minnesota Winners At The Great American Beer Festival
To quote Homer J. Simpson "Mmmm...Beer". It seems there is now a beer for all seasons, temperatures, and activities. The Great American Beer Festival was recently held in Denver and the #boldnorth was well represented and walked away with some hardware.
Surprisingly Faribault's own F-Town didn't have any submissions so we had to dig a little deeper to find a Minnesota connection. In all 11 different Minnesota breweries took home a medal for 12 different beers.
Bringing home the gold medal for their beers were: Bent Paddle Brewing Co from Duluth with their 'Saison', Steel Toe Brewing of St. Louis Park's 'Dissent', Lakes & Legends Brewing Co. of Minneapolis' 'Cool for the Summer', and Summit Brewing Co.of St. Paul's 'Keller Pils'.
The winning didn't stop there as there were silver and bronze medalists too. Steel Toe Brewing, Eastlake Craft Brewery, Spilled Grain Brewhouse, and Insight Brewing Co. all won silver medals for their various beers. Modist Brewing Co., The Freehouse, Utepils Brewing Co., and Tin Whiskers Brewing all won bronze medals.
The Great American Beer Festival awards gold, silver and bronze medals for excellence in 102 beer-style categories but does not necessarily award medals to the top three finishers in any particular category.
According to its website The Great American Beer Festival "is the premier U.S. beer festival and competition, where the largest collection of U.S. beer ever is served, in a public tasting event plus a private competition."
Looks like my sampling list just got a little be longer!