My Wife Hates It, But The Mustache Is A Reminder For Mental Health
Novem.. I mean Mo'Vember is here. I generally already look like a 12-year-old, I'm not very tall, and lack the natural ability to grow good looking facial hair (thanks genetics). So instead I am rocking a rediculous looking mustache, not for the stares, or because I am thinking of becoming a Freddy Mercury impersonator. I'm wearing it to bring about awareness of suicide awareness and men's mental health.
I carved what I have of facial hair into this very same mustache during the very brief Twins playoff run (remember that?) in honor of Game 2's starter, and former 5 star Uber driver Randy Dobnak. My wife absolutely hates it. She has already threatened me with shaving it off while I sleep. My brother teases me with not allowing his kids to see me while I am in this state. However I'm not doing this for them, well I am, especially my brother 3 kids under the age of 5, but it is all about the awareness. has a great statistic about men's mental health and suicide awareness. "The suicide mortality rate for women in Minnesota is about 5.4 per 100,000 below the national rate of 6.1 per 100.000. The suicide mortality rate for men in Minnesota is on par with the national rate, at 22.4 per 100,000 residents."
I was a Junior in high school when I experienced the effects of suicide. A former wrestling teammate, who had graduated the year before, was at college when he took his own life over the holiday break. It was a moment in my life that I still remember.
The National Center for Health Statistics says nearly 1 in 10 men experience depression and anxiety: According to a poll of 21,000 American men by researchers at the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), nearly one in ten men reported experiencing some form of depression or anxiety, but less than half sought treatment.
It's ok to talk to someone about your feelings. Whether that person is a professional, or you've got a good friend that you can talk to when you just need to.
This November I want you to make the decision to start to share those feelings if you are experiencing them. Have a conversation about mental health with your dad or your kids. Let them know that it is ok to share how you are feeling.
If you feel like it, I am looking to raise funds this November that goes towards mental health and suicide awareness. You can do that here.