Northfield Coach Update
Back in March I told you about the fact the Troy Cohrs was no longer going to be coaching girl's track and girl's soccer at Northfield high school.
Karl Viesselman was hired as the track coach and last we heard a soccer coach replacement had not been hired yet.
I reached out to school Superitendent, Dr. Matt Hillman, after a couple of listeners had asked recently if there was any new information regarding this. Here is Dr. Hillman's response.
"Allegations were made against Mr. Cohrs and the district conducted an investigation. He was placed on paid administrative leave, which is standard protocol in this kind of situation. He has resigned his teaching position effective June 30th and will remain on paid administrative leave until then. The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act does not allow me to comment further on the investigation."
So now you know all we know and if anything further official news comes to light we will let you know.
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