OK, Seriously Where Is This Southern Minnesota Cat?
The Albert Lea Seed House and Garden Center has been without one of its longtime employees for about three weeks now. Crouton the gray cat, who had been with the Albert Lea Seed House and Garden Center for 10 years, is still missing and the story continues to change on where he might be or who might have Crouton.
In a post to the business's Facebook page recently it states that there isn't much new news concerning Crouton, but the narrative of where the cat might or might not be is now the sticking point.
"We are still operating on the assumption that the person who removed him from the parking lot still has him, or, that he was potentially released in the area of the County Fairgrounds." - Albert Lea Seed House Facebook Post
I reached out to the Albert Lea Seed House and Garden Center by phone today and got the latest update from Mary Boorsma. According to Mary, there have been 12 reported sightings of gray cats in the area, even as far away as Hayfield. All of the reports have been followed up on by staff from the Seed House, and in each case, it wasn't Crouton.
Mary also indicated that there is a video of the suspected 'catnapper', who has remained publically unnamed, with what appears to be a gray cat in their vehicle shortly after a witness indicated they observed this person picking up a gray cat in the area of the business. That person told police they dropped the cat off in the area of the Freeborn County Fairgrounds, whether or not that was truthful is yet to be seen.
Mary indicated to me that she is hopeful that Crouton will be found safe and returned to the business.
If you've possibly seen Crouton the gray cat, good news or other news...the Albert Lea Seed House and Garden Center welcome your call at 507-377-2372 or send them a message to their Facebook page.
In other Seed House cat news, they are holding a fundraiser to benefit other 'furry friends' at the Freeborn County Humane Society Valentines Day weekend.