Old Sleds Ride Again in Central MN [VIDEO]
CLEAR LAKE -- Snowmobile lovers of all ages gathered in Central Minnesota this weekend.
Brickyard Bar and Grill in Clear Lake and Kinitski’s in Palmer hosted their bi-annual Vintage Snowmobile Run.
Around 75 vintage and some non-vintage sleds were at the run. The oldest dated back to the mid to late 1960s.
Jeff Rhodes is the event planner. He says he was inspired to start it all ten years ago.
What it was is I was at home and turned on the television and I watched a video of a vintage run up by Duluth – Cloquet area. I was watching that and I thought well that doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
Rhodes says the goal is to keep a love of snowmobiling alive.
A lot of them will show up and they’ll say oh boy I remember that one from when I was a kid. That’s good to hear that it’s still alive and we’re still doing it.
The day includes a 12 mile round trip between the two locations and a free lunch.