Penn & Teller Performed Their First Show Together Here In Minnesota
In a career partnership that has spanned more than 40 years at venues large and small, the dynamic duo of Penn and Teller got their start together right here in Minnesota at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival.
Yesterday Penn Jillette tweeted out this throwback photo:
During that time Penn and Teller also had a third performer joining them from time to time and the threesome performed as "The Asparagus Valley Cultural Society." The trio became a duo in 1981 after the third member, Weir Chrisemer, quit show business. The anniversary tweet brought about some memories of those who were either in attendance or have seen Penn and Teller perform. One of those in attendance also went on to become a magician, the Amazing Hondo. He cited a thread-needle-and-apple trick that was performed.
Their first show performing together seems to have gone well as the two are still together 44 years later, and a little bit of it is due to with the #BoldNorth and the Renaissance Festival.
Speaking of the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, win tickets next week listening to Power 96!
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