Plan to Raise Cremation Fees in Scotland to £666 Worried Some Potential Clients
Scottish black metal musicians excited that crematorium fees were scheduled to rise to £666 to meet the costs of business may have been disappointed to find the fee lowered to £665 to avoid matching the number of the beast.
On the one hand, it's understandable that religious folks had reservations about literally making a deal with the devil to cremate their loved ones. But for metal fans, what better monetary figure to accompany the fiery obliteration of a cadaver?
Higher-ups at Argyll and Bute Council explained that the £647 cost of cremation was scheduled to rise by three percent at Cardross Crematorium before administrators realized exactly what the new figure would amount to, reported the Daily Record.
“It’s unfortunate that the three percent inflation has meant the charge is £666, which could be upsetting for some people,” read a report to the region's councilors.
When contacted by Metal Hammer, an Argyll and Bute Council spokesperson said, "Year on year cuts to our funding mean that, like all councils, we must make changes to how we work so that we can continue to deliver services. The crematorium charges were amended after applying a standard inflation increase of three percent to fees and charges for 2018-19. It was agreed by councilors to adjust the charge for cremation to £665.”
Maybe devil worshippers and metal-loving grievers can take some solace in knowing that even if their loved ones won't be by consumed by fire to the tune of "The Number of the Beast," at least, at the £665 figure, they'll be right next door at the neighbor of the Beast.
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