Did You Know 95° in Minnesota = 145° Road Temperature?
When it gets hot in Minnesota, how hot does Minnesota get? Do roads get dangerously hot, or is that a myth? Do sidewalks pose a threat to our pets?
Just How Hot Do Minnesota Surfaces Get?
June 2022 saw enough hot weather to bring about roads buckling, as this Star Tribune story says, "The temperature hit a record-breaking 101 degrees last Monday, and metro area highways and freeways crumbled under the heat."
I did a little checking and found a guy from WHAS TV in Kentucky that measured just how hot surfaces were around 2 PM on a sunny July day, with the air temperature around 92 degrees.
In the shade and in the bright sun were the two temperature conditions being checked.
Just How Hot Do Minnesota Surfaces Get On A Sunny Day?
What's Too Hot for My Pets?
The recommendation is to touch the surface with the back of your hand. Too hot for you? Too hot for your pets. Don't want to reach down and touch it? FourPawsUSA.org has this handy chart...
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
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If all the pet walking and pavement heat conversion wore you out, try a Made / Invented In Minnesota Snack!
Gallery - Top Ten Made in Minnesota Snacks