Well the ratings are in, and the 2021 'Best Places To Live' list has been generated, Minnesota doesn't have any cities in the Top-100 in the Niche.com list, but we looked through the list and found the top-10 scoring Minnesota cities on their exhaustive list. Surprisingly, none of the towns listed in the Top-10 are found outside the 'Metro' area.

Niche.com ranks cities, neighborhoods, towns, and suburbs using data found on the US Census form as well as factoring in "location, including the quality of local schools, crime rates, housing trends, employment statistics, and access to amenities in an attempt to measure the overall quality of an area." You can read more into how they develop their rankings and grades here. 

Here are the top-10 'best places to live' in Minnesota according to Niche.com

Top-10 Best Places To Live in Minnesota

So where did some of the towns and cities in Southern Minnesota rank?

Northfield was ranked 1,976 nationally, Dundas 4,435, Bridgewater Township 5,495, New Prague 7,272, Cannon Falls 7,344, Owatonna 8,128, Lonsdale 9,918, Stanton Township 11,984.

Faribault wasn't ranked but was graded as a B-.

You can see the full list of communities sorted by city, town, neighborhood, or suburb here. 

10 Least Expensive Places to Live in Minnesota in 2021

The cost of housing across the country has skyrocketed over the past year. More and more people want a place of their own but it's so expensive. Maybe you should consider moving to one of the 10 least expensive places to live in Minnesota in 2021 according to Niche.com.


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