Calling All FFA & 4H Artists: See Your Own Artwork Displayed on a Minnesota License Plate
Calling all 4-H Members and Minnesota FFA individuals. You have the opportunity to put your creative energy to work. Dig out your pencils, pens, crayons, markers and paper, and put on your thinking cap.
The Minnesota FFA Foundation is looking for students to design a new license plate, that will celebrate our Minnesota agriculture. All Minnesotans will be able to purchase the plate for $20 in 2022.
The winner of the contest will get their design, or a portion of their design, on the agriculture license plate, which will be available for purchase in 2022. Plus, the winner will have the bragging rights to know that every time one of the plates is purchased, funds are raised to support agricultural programs through FFA and 4-H in the state. (There are no royalties received for use of artwork).
Designs for the 2022 license plate must be submitted by October 1st of 2021 to be a part of the competition.
Here's the nitty gritty of what the Minnesota FFA Foundation is looking for.
1. The design you create should represent Minnesota agriculture. It should be about the land, and the many activities related to agriculture in our area.
2. No wording is needed or allowed. They are simply looking for an artistic design that can wrap up what our Minnesota agricultural community is all about.
3. Your creative artwork must be 3 x 3 and submitted no later than October 1st of 2021.
If you'd like to read the complete details about the contest, you can go to the 4-H Extension website, or to the Minnesota FFA Foundation's website.