Someone Issued Bad Checks For Good Girl Scout Cookies
I know I spent a little more than I should have this year on purchasing those delicious Girl Scout cookies from the Girls Scouts of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valleys. But it goes to a good cause and the cookies are so good and I did share them with family and friends.
But someone thought they should purchase 600 boxes of cookies and stiff the Girl Scouts for the check, or in this case checks.
According to KARE 11, St. Paul police were contacted by the Girl Scouts to report the fraud incident. Someone had gone to nine locations in the Twin Cities and purchased 600 boxes of cookies with bad checks.
According to Girl Scout representative Jolene Ross, this is a very unusual incident and the council will cover the losses to the troops involved. Police did not name the person who wrote the checks, but they are confident that the person will have to answer for what they did.
The Girl Scouts can always use your financial help, and not just when it is cookie time. You can make a donation here.
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